
Friday, August 22, 2008

A love like no other...

I just wanted to take a moment to send my love, support, and prayers out to my dear client and her family. She just called to tell me of her step-father's passing. Not long ago, I had the amazing privilege to photograph my client with her children and her parents. Through her tears she told me just how precious these pictures are and how grateful her family is to have them. I am the one that is grateful. I feel truly blessed and honored to be apart of so many lives, to capture their special moments and tell their story. It's a beautiful story...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Angela, Thank you SO much for the tribute to my mom and her late husband! Robert was a wonderful man and both these wonderful people made each other happy on a daily basis, which I'm sure prolonged Robert's life on this earth and made mom's life more fulfilled. With your beautiful photographs merely TWO months AFTER the birth of my third child and only TWO months PRIOR to his death, my entire family and Robert's children have benefited from the work and memories you've provided for us all! Thank you for your dedication and magic which you bring into our lives. You're truly our ANGEL(a)! Linda Wells and Family
