
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Birthday to me...

I'll be saying that too in a couple of days. Only I'm no where near the 1 year old mark, or even the 30. (Sigh.) But let's not talk about that.

As Thanksgiving approaches right along with my 40th birthday (AHHHHH!) I've gathered up my thoughts on all that I am grateful for. Top of my list is my wonderful dysfunctional blended, sometimes shaken and stirred family. My adoring husband always keeps me grounded, through our life journey together, between working, running a business, raising a family with steps, ex's and drama a flowing, at the end of the day we always manage to find each other and still be totally in love. Thank you God for my Husband, my rock! (Not the one I fell off of.)

I am so grateful for all six of my beautiful, amazing, healthy children. Love puts the fun in together, the sad in apart and the joy in my heart! I love you all every minute of everyday.

I'm grateful that I have a career and business that I truly love. I'm grateful for my wonderful clients. Thank you for sharing your families with me and for giving me the opportunity to capture sweet moments that you will cherish a lifetime. My craft is close to my heart because it is truly about relationships for me. I want to capture the connection, the bond, the intimacy and the love.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Thanks for being loyal readers! I'm truly grateful.

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