This little angel had an awesome birthday bash! What a great idea it was for her Mom to turn it into a Portrait Party! It was a big hit with the girls and I can't wait until we can all get together to view the proofs!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
On location....
Over the weekend Beachaven was the location shoot for the week! It was AWESOME! Although, the wind did blow and my little girl "O" barely held on to her balloons and well once she realized how fun it was to let them go, let's just say "Game On". I had a blast with each family that came out and I am so sorry for the families that I had to reschedule due to Sunday's big winds. But I have scheduled a new date. Sept 28th! I am also going to open up two new slots for that day so if you would like to take advantage of this location please call me asap. Open times are 2:30pm and 3:30pm.
A great big thank you to Luisa and the folks at Beachaven, you are always so kind and show such wonderful hospitality. We all love your wine. (My adoring husband always buys the Blackberry for me by the case!) We love you! Thanks again.
I have one more post coming up soon from a Portrait Party! Super fun and those kids were adorable!!!!!!!