
Thursday, December 04, 2008

Time of my life...

with the love of my life! Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday! I most certainly did. My absolutely wonderful husband swept me away to Vegas to celebrate my big 40! Whew! Can't believe that number it real! (My mother is saying, "Neither can I") But any whoooo, we had us a big and rich time. Without the rich part. No jackpots this trip! None the less, we had a blast! He'll never let me live it down though, walking up and down the strip, me in my heels and him in his steel toe Harley boots. We were beat down. I told you so, he says. And yes, I gave in and we bought some sensible shoes. (I'm a flip flop or heels kinda girl on a normal basis. Kinda crazy I know with all the bending, walking and falling that goes into my adventure photography business. Regan and Stephanie, if you're reading this I know you are totally laughing at me.) Viva Las Vegas, my friends. I love it! Most fun for grown ups that I can think of. (Amazing though, so many people carting around small children there. I was so surprised and totally freaked out! People, please, don't take your kids to Vegas! You know, at least til they are of age.) But Vegas is especially cool when they are decorating for Christmas. Got to see the huge Christmas tree go up as we ate breakfast at the Belagio. Ernie got some new ink at Vince Neil's tattoo shop. Planet Hollywood was pretty cool but only because of the amazing art and photography they display there. As always the food and the shows ROCK! I was officially back to work today so please be patient as I get orders in and out, emails and calls returned. Here we go! Christmas Count Down!