
Thursday, May 06, 2010

Yay For Spring!

   A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of doing spring pictures for the wonderful kids down at the Red Barn Daycare. These are some really great kids! I want to thank the Red Barn for the opportunity to spend time with them and do the pictures. We did a "spring showers" theme and I bet after all the rain we had last weekend those kids were getting good use out of their rain gear! I had such a blast with these kids and the grown ups too! Here are a few shots from the that day. Thank you to all the parents who gave me permission to post the photos!
Love you all!!

Anyone needing childcare should definitely check out the Red Barn. They are all so caring and make things fun for the kids. They really care about each and every child in their care. Jessica and the whole crew are amazing!


More session posts to come and stay tuned for out featured product of the month!


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