
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Playing With Children's Photography { Clarksville TN Children's Photographer }

I had the privilege of meeting these 4 wonderful kids for a very fun photo session. They were all very friendly, talkative and so great to photograph.The youngest, 3 year old Mr {A}, decided he didn't want his picture taken at first but quickly warmed up and even asked to go back to the park later that day so I could take pictures again. The other Mr {A}, the oldest, has autism and he is just one of the greatest kids you could ever meet! He has such a warm smile and he just melts your heart along with his very special friend, baby triceratops, who joined us for some pictures as well. The girls were just darling and were great picture posers. At the end of the session we got some great playground shots as well. I hope you enjoy the sneak peek {O} Family.

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