
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Don't Forget the Little Things... Clarksville TN Child Photographer

Bath-time! I may have my mommy goggles on right now, but that's OK. I think we all need to wear our mommy goggles sometimes. We need to stop and appreciate the little fleeting moments in life that will fly by all too fast. Of course as a photographer I stress the importance of getting professional portraits to preserve memories and to hang as beautiful art on your walls, but in this post, I want to stress the importance of snap shots. Of capturing those everyday moments. The little things we often take for granted.

Before you know it our children will be grown and starting their own lives. I feel it is important to preserve these everyday memories too. So please mommas make sure no matter how much your kids may whine or complain, get out that camera and capture those special little things in life that only you have the chance to catch. They are only little once and the time in life that a child finds joy in a bath, or a piece of candy, or a trip to the store with mommy or daddy will be gone.

 Professional portraits are important yes, but the everyday moments are just as important. Today my little guy woke up with a very very wet diaper and so I put him straight in the bath. The light coming in the window was just so soft and yummy I just had to grab the camera and get some shots. I am glad I did. I can now cherish these images of the joy of bath-time from my son's perspective and when he is older and doesn't have time for me in his teenage world,  I can look back on this moment and smile and remember how he will always be my baby and I can be glad for these little moments in life.

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